Our Dieta is an ancestral practice where Medicine Master Plants are consumed in ancient Ritual Ceremonies to cleanse and heal at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
We use Plant Medicine and other Native Sacred Medicines, such as Mapacho, Rapé, Kambo, Sananga and Master Plants, to dive into the deeper layers of the self in order to release blockages, stimulate our innate healing energy and connect with our true selves and the Source.
If you are seeking to dive deeply into your Medicine work, this experience is the best way to get the best results from the healing and awakening process. Those who have participated in the Chaka-Runa Dietas describe them as one of the most powerful, deep and truthful experiences of their lives.
Our Dietas are guided by Don Gino Chaka-Runa through ancient, sacred practices and authentic Icaros from the Shipibo, Andean and Mestizo traditions from Peru; celebrating life, love, and the healing power of Mother Nature. All Icaros and medicine songs are performed live during each ceremony.
During the Dieta we all integrate as a group, and help each other as a community. You will also get personalized care and attention from our experienced team at all times. Our mission is to offer you a safe, tailored Plant Medicine experience specially designed for your needs, so you have the opportunity to bring real transformation to your life.
Our Dieta Programs: