Safety Protocols
Our ceremonies are held by Don Gino Chaka-Runa and always supported by a team of skilled and experienced western facilitators and assistants that know the work and are ready to handle any situation.
Authentic Shamanic healing is a highly individual experience, and we ensure that every participant receives personalized attention at all times. This way you can stay at ease and and feel safe in a well protected environment.
Our safety protocols includes the following practices:
Our Preparation Guidelines, Terms and Conditions and Application Form provide a safeguard for each guest to have a wonderful experience with us, reducing any potential risks related to Plant Medicine.
We have a thorough screening process for all participants.
Highly experienced and skilled Shaman in Don Gino Chaka-Runa.
English-speaking Shaman, facilitators, assistants and support team.
Our Plant Medicine brew is prepared by Don Gino Chaka-Runa through a ritual process based in the traditional Mestizo-Shipibo way of the Peruvian Amazon, using only the Vine and the leaves without adding any other plants.
All of our venues are located close to cities with medical care available in case of emergencies.
On site First Aid fully stocked kit available for minor injuries.
On site security guards in the Dieta programs at all times.
Fire extinguishers in case of emergency.
Cell phone network and Internet if needed.
Safe locker for personal items of value.
Alcohol and drugs are prohibited at all times.
Clear indications and restrictions regarding access to risk areas in our locations.
We provide detailed travel instructions and a ‘What to bring’ guide so you can plan your trip accordingly.
Exclusion Criteria:
Respect is mandatory among participants and will be constantly monitored. The following behaviors will not be accepted: invading personal space, swearing, judgement, insults, bullying, violent and disrespectful verbal or body language or any type of discrimination (race, religion, gender, color, culture, language). In case of infringement the participant will be asked to leave the venue temporary or permanently, to ensure the safety and comfort of the other participants.
At our core, we strive to be at your service and provide a compassionate, joyful, protected environment so you can relax and feel safe through a demanding transformational process. We are truly passionate - what we do comes from our heart and we deeply care for each one of our participants. All our energy is dedicated to making you feel at home and part of our community, allowing you to have the most beautiful, authentic and effective healing and awakening experience.